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These FAQs should answer most questions you have, but the best way to find out

if coaching is for you is to join me for a Discovery Call. So get in touch!



These FAQs should answer most questions you have, but the best way to find out

if coaching is for you is to join me for a Discovery Call. So get in touch!

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a conversation-based approach to move you from where you are to where you want to be. It creates clarity of purpose and direction, challenges limiting beliefs and self-talk, and encourages you to move towards successfully resolving your issues, challenges and opportunities. So it tends to be future- and solutions-focused, and action/change-orientated. I provide you with a confidential, non-judgemental, open, collaborative space to focus on your own thoughts, challenges, outcomes and goals. My role is non-advisory, but my questions and reflections as your ‘thinking partner’ will help you on your journey of personal exploration and discovery to get to the outcome you want. Coaching will give you greater self-awareness, allowing you to reshape many areas of life, and supporting action, motivation and goal orientation.

What’s the difference with ‘Transformational’ Coaching?

Transformational Coaching goes beyond the surface indicators used in performance and development coaching, as it delves deeper into a client’s inner world. It is a powerful way of exploring personal beliefs and values, and how they shape our experience of life, and our behaviours. I like to explain it using the metaphor of an iceberg. To get the full picture, it’s not only what you see on the surface (eg your behaviour/actions, words and tone, emotional responses), but all the things beneath the surface too (eg thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, values, feelings and needs).

Is Coaching like counselling?  What’s the difference? 

Both Coaching and counselling are conversation-based approaches, but there are key differences. Counselling tends to be focused on the past, and understanding it (for clients who come with problems, usually of an emotional nature). Coaching is future-focused and more concerned with the notion of ‘flourishing’. There can be times in Coaching when you will bring up events in the past, but we tend to draw on these in the sense of what learnings you can take from them to progress forward. In Coaching, clients come with both positive and negative issues. Please note, Coaching is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy, counselling, mental health care or substance-abuse treatment. It does not prevent, cure or treat mental disorders or medical disease. If you are undergoing counselling, you should inform your therapist of your intention to do Coaching at the same time, and ask their advice on whether it is recommended.

Are you a qualified coach?

Yes! I trained with the Animas Centre for Coaching to achieve an Accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching. This qualification has gone through three rigorous quality assurance procedures to be triple-accredited by the leading coaching industry bodies. • International Coaching Federation (ICF) o My Diploma is recognised by the International Coach Federation as providing 123 Approved Coach Specific Training Hours – more than twice the amount required to become credentialed with them. • Association For Coaching o My Diploma is also accredited by the Association for Coaching, the UK’s largest professional body, as an Accredited Diploma in Coach Training. This distinction makes it one of the very few in the world to hold this level of accreditation. • European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) with a European Quality Award o My Diploma has also met the benchmark high-quality standard for mentoring/coaching training programmes, as outlined in the EMCC Competency Framework. Plus, as part of my coaching CPD, I took the ICF Accredited Short course to achieve my ‘Group Coaching Certificate’. My Coaching sessions follow ICF guidance and, if I feel we need to deviate from this, for example, if moving into more of a mentoring role for goals around alcohol-free living, this will be agreed in advance with you.

What can you help me with?

I will endeavour to help with whatever you come to Coaching with (or suggest other alternatives such as therapy or counselling if I feel Coaching isn’t the right fit for you). Coaching is a bespoke service tailored to your specific needs, so you can think of me as your supportive partner who will be flexible to work with you in the way that will best help move you forwards. For example, I’ve helped clients with a variety of topics, including: • Feeling unfulfilled and going through life in autopilot, to gaining clarity on what will get your MOJO back so you can build a life you thrive in. • Exploring and resolving a negative relationship with food or alcohol. • Identifying and overcoming personal obstacles or beliefs that might be holding you back. • Navigating life events or transitions, for example: • Becoming a parent / maternity leave return to work • Relationship breakdown or loss • Milestone birthdays highlighting you’re not where you’d hoped you’d be in life • Adjusting and establishing yourself as an expat • Positively moving forwards post empty-nest or into retirement • Establishing and taking action and responsibility towards achieving goals • Confidence or imposter syndrome issues • Time management and prioritisation. • Career progression or career shifts, and growing as a leader • Building resilience and establishing a better work-life balance to avoid overwhelm and stress • Managing difficult relationships or communication issues • Resolving difficult situations in an objective space with an impartial listening partner, to dig deeper and open up new angles • I’ve also had clients who aren’t quite sure why they’ve come to Coaching. They might not be able put their finger on what’s wrong, but they have a feeling there’s something missing or they’re not quite living the life they could be.

What can you do for my Workplace?

I can offer you a bespoke Coaching service based on your company’s needs. This can include individual 1-2-1 Coaching, group Coaching, or a mix of the two. I offer C-suite/Executive Coaching, but I see particular value in working with lower to middle-management level employees, to help unlock their full potential so they can thrive in their role. I spent two decades in an advertising/marketing career and have valuable ‘inside’ knowledge of working in a demanding industry, such as ‘Adland’. This helps me support team members in their career, well-being and life events. Topics may include: • Building resilience and establishing a better work-life balance to avoid overwhelm and stress. • Moving into and developing in leadership roles. • Navigating life events or transitions (eg parental leave return). • Career progression. • Time management and prioritisation. • Establishing and taking action and responsibility towards achieving goals. • Managing difficult relationships or communication issues. • Identifying and overcoming personal obstacles or beliefs that may be holding your employees back from reaching their full potential (eg confidence or imposter syndrome issues).

How can I work with you?

There are some initial suggestions under the ‘Services’ page on this website. All my Coaching sessions take place via online video calls. As Coaching is a relationship that aims to progress my clients during the course of us working together, it is common for me to work with you with a package of at least six sessions. However, as every client is unique and what they bring to Coaching can vary, I always start with a conversation about your needs and can suggest what might be helpful. We can discuss and tailor the number of sessions based on what you need, and your budget. The regularity of sessions can be agreed as you prefer – weekly or fortnightly, for example. Some clients like to add some in-between session contact for support or accountability (especially for my ‘Booze Break-Through’ programmes or when working towards specific, time-constricted goals). I can also offer a one-off session if you have one specific goal you want to set a plan to work towards. Once we have worked together, I am happy to offer an accountability package for a monthly check-in, to help you keep up the momentum you will have gained during your block of Coaching.

What’s your style as a coach?

I am down to earth, relaxed, friendly, supportive and kind. But I can also challenge you and hold you accountable, if that’s what will help you progress. I work with you knowing you are creative, resourceful and whole, and will be considerate and respectful of you – definitely no judgement from me! I tend to ask questions from my natural intuition of the back of what you are saying (or sometimes not saying!), but my sessions are always based on my Coaching knowledge, training and experience. I don’t tend to use lots of complicated exercises, unless there’s something I particularly think will be useful (in which case I can make a suggestion, but the choice will always be yours). I don’t tend to give ‘homework’ between sessions, but if this is something you’re keen on, I can do so, and can help you with resources. For my ‘Booze Break-Through’ Coaching, as well as using my unique Transformational Coaching style, I can also mentor/support you with suggested resources, tips and tricks learnt during my own alcohol-free (AF) journey, if you feel it will help you achieve your own AF-goals.

I’m not sure if it’s right for me - can I test it out first?

Before you commit to Coaching with me, I will invite you to take part in a video call chat. This will give you the chance to meet me and get a feel for who I am, and whether you feel I can help you in what you’re considering coming to Coaching with. I give no pressure to ‘sign up’ and start with me. For Coaching to be successful, you need to feel ready. If, after your call, you aren’t ready to commit, I’ll be here if and when you may feel ready in the future. If you feel you aren’t getting what you need from Coaching once we have started working together, I am a real person and we can have a real conversation about this.

What happens during a coaching session? How long and how often are coaching sessions?  

The topic of each Coaching session is brought by you. I will always start by asking what you want to focus on and what you would ideally like to get to by the end of our hour together (or 90 minutes if doing the one-off ‘Golden Goal Session’). I will manage our sessions to focus on you reaching your ideal outcome (even if your desire is just to explore a topic rather than reach a ‘tangible’ outcome). It will be you who does most of the talking in the session. It is YOUR space. I am there as your listening partner and supporter. I am not there to be an expert or give you the answer. I work with you knowing you are creative, resourceful and whole, and therefore capable of coming up with your own answers! As your Coach I can help you unblock your full potential and support you to take the action needed to make change happen. My Coaching sessions are done in English over a video call (normally Microsoft Teams or Skype if preferred). The frequency can be agreed based on your preference. Some clients like a weekly slot, others prefer fortnightly to allow extra time for reflection and actions in between sessions. If you need extra support or accountability between sessions (such as WhatsApp or emails), we can agree what this may involve. This may be more relevant for starting an alcohol-free challenge.

Do you only work with women?

No, I work with anyone who feels I could be the right Coach to help them with what they are bringing to Coaching.

Do you do in person coaching or only online?

Most of my work is done online (via video call, such as Microsoft Teams). This works well as it allows you to establish yourself in a comfortable and private place to talk freely, and you don’t need to allow for travel time! If you happen to be local to me in North-East France, get in touch if you would prefer an in-person or ‘walk and talk’ session.

If I want to go ahead, how do I pay? 

I will provide you with an invoice that includes my account details to do a bank transfer in advance of our first Coaching session together. This can be in GBP £ or Euros.

I saw you are based in France, can we do our coaching session in French? 

Soon, but not yet! My goal of French fluency is ongoing, but as it is important for me to fully understand and pick up the small details in what you’re saying, I only offer Coaching sessions in English at present. This ensures a high-quality service.

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